If You don’t have a Single Account, You won’t Receive The Krishak Bandhu funds

After Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee came to power, she has launched various schemes for the benefit of all the people in the state. One such scheme is the Krishak Bandhu project. Under this Krishak Bandhu project, the farmers of the state receive financial assistance from the government. However, new speculation has arisen regarding the funds from this Krishak Bandhu project. Although no specific directive has been issued by the state government on this matter yet, senior officials at the district agriculture offices are indicating that customers without a single bank account will no longer receive the funds from the Krishak Bandhu project.

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Single Account won’t Receive The Krishak Bandhu funds

Many people believe that a directive from the government on this matter may come soon. The requirement of a single account has already been in place for several other state government-run schemes. However, this rule is entirely new concerning the Krishak Bandhu project funds. As a result, many farmers are confused and worried that their funds may be stopped if they do not have a single account.

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Government officials’ statements

However, government officials have stated that the idea that the money will suddenly stop coming if there is no single account is completely mistaken. Nevertheless, gradually, the process of sending funds through a single account to farmers under the Krishak Bandhu scheme may be implemented in the state. In this regard, agricultural department officials have mentioned that all beneficiaries of the Krishak Bandhu scheme who do not have a single bank account are being asked to open a single bank account as soon as possible and submit the account details to the agricultural department. For those who wish to newly enroll in the Krishak Bandhu scheme, having a single bank account is being made mandatory.

The statement of the nodal officer of the Krishak Bandhu scheme

While discussing the matter with the media, Bhaskar Dutta, the nodal officer of the Krishak Bandhu scheme in the state, stated, “As per the current guidelines, there is no mention of a single account. However, the government wants to implement the single account rule in all sectors in the future. Apart from the Krishak Bandhu scheme, several other projects require a single account. For those already enrolled, there will be no immediate changes, but we are asking new applicants to open a single account.”

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